0..20mA to -10v..+10v DC


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Converts a current loop 4/20mA to a -10 volts..+10 volts DC analog output signal. Signal adjustments are possible. DIN rail mount included. Fully galvanic isolation. 

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12 40% Tot €840.00

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Converts any current loop signal (4..20mA or 0..20mA) to a -10 volts..+10 volts DC  (+-10 volts DC signal) or -5..+5 volts DC output. DIN rail mount included. Output galvanic isolated from power supply and input. Input and output signal can be read out and controlled using integrated LCD display.

The analog output DC voltage can be used for

  • PLC (programmable logic controller), so that PLC can read the analog value.
  • Galvanic isolation between input and output.
  • Modifying the input signal:
    • slow ramp up/down,
    • inversion of signal
    • gain / span adjustments

Output signal can be:

  • inverted (inverts input signal to output).
  • gain adjust (e.g. 4mA equals 2 volts and 20mA equals 8 volts).
  • span adjust.
  • filtered (to remove noise spikes from input signal).
  • signal speed change (slow ramp / slow startup) to reduce impact speed of valves and motors.

Thanks to the integrated LCD module, adjustments are easy and quick.

We are an R&D company and can make project specific adjustments if needed! Don’t hesitate to contact us.